303 research outputs found

    A New Phase Transition for Local Delays in MANETs

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    We consider Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) with transmitters located according to a Poisson point in the Euclidean plane, slotted Aloha Medium Access (MAC) protocol and the so-called outage scenario, where a successful transmission requires a Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise (SINR) larger than some threshold. We analyze the local delays in such a network, namely the number of times slots required for nodes to transmit a packet to their prescribed next-hop receivers. The analysis depends very much on the receiver scenario and on the variability of the fading. In most cases, each node has finite-mean geometric random delay and thus a positive next hop throughput. However, the spatial (or large population) averaging of these individual finite mean-delays leads to infinite values in several practical cases, including the Rayleigh fading and positive thermal noise case. In some cases it exhibits an interesting phase transition phenomenon where the spatial average is finite when certain model parameters are below a threshold and infinite above. We call this phenomenon, contention phase transition. We argue that the spatial average of the mean local delays is infinite primarily because of the outage logic, where one transmits full packets at time slots when the receiver is covered at the required SINR and where one wastes all the other time slots. This results in the "RESTART" mechanism, which in turn explains why we have infinite spatial average. Adaptive coding offers a nice way of breaking the outage/RESTART logic. We show examples where the average delays are finite in the adaptive coding case, whereas they are infinite in the outage case.Comment: accepted for IEEE Infocom 201

    The Boolean Model in the Shannon Regime: Three Thresholds and Related Asymptotics

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    Consider a family of Boolean models, indexed by integers n1n \ge 1, where the nn-th model features a Poisson point process in Rn{\mathbb{R}}^n of intensity enρne^{n \rho_n} with ρnρ\rho_n \to \rho as nn \to \infty, and balls of independent and identically distributed radii distributed like Xˉnn\bar X_n \sqrt{n}, with Xˉn\bar X_n satisfying a large deviations principle. It is shown that there exist three deterministic thresholds: τd\tau_d the degree threshold; τp\tau_p the percolation threshold; and τv\tau_v the volume fraction threshold; such that asymptotically as nn tends to infinity, in a sense made precise in the paper: (i) for ρ<τd\rho < \tau_d, almost every point is isolated, namely its ball intersects no other ball; (ii) for τd<ρ<τp\tau_d< \rho< \tau_p, almost every ball intersects an infinite number of balls and nevertheless there is no percolation; (iii) for τp<ρ<τv\tau_p< \rho< \tau_v, the volume fraction is 0 and nevertheless percolation occurs; (iv) for τd<ρ<τv\tau_d< \rho< \tau_v, almost every ball intersects an infinite number of balls and nevertheless the volume fraction is 0; (v) for ρ>τv\rho > \tau_v, the whole space covered. The analysis of this asymptotic regime is motivated by related problems in information theory, and may be of interest in other applications of stochastic geometry

    On Scaling Limits of Power Law Shot-noise Fields

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    This article studies the scaling limit of a class of shot-noise fields defined on an independently marked stationary Poisson point process and with a power law response function. Under appropriate conditions, it is shown that the shot-noise field can be scaled suitably to have a α\alpha-stable limit, intensity of the underlying point process goes to infinity. It is also shown that the finite dimensional distributions of the limiting random field have i.i.d. stable random components. We hence propose to call this limte the α\alpha- stable white noise field. Analogous results are also obtained for the extremal shot-noise field which converges to a Fr\'{e}chet white noise field. Finally, these results are applied to the analysis of wireless networks.Comment: 17 pages, Typos are correcte

    The stochastic geometry of unconstrained one-bit data compression

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    A stationary stochastic geometric model is proposed for analyzing the data compression method used in one-bit compressed sensing. The data set is an unconstrained stationary set, for instance all of Rn\mathbb{R}^n or a stationary Poisson point process in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. It is compressed using a stationary and isotropic Poisson hyperplane tessellation, assumed independent of the data. That is, each data point is compressed using one bit with respect to each hyperplane, which is the side of the hyperplane it lies on. This model allows one to determine how the intensity of the hyperplanes must scale with the dimension nn to ensure sufficient separation of different data by the hyperplanes as well as sufficient proximity of the data compressed together. The results have direct implications in compressive sensing and in source coding.Comment: 29 page

    On the Generating Functionals of a Class of Random Packing Point Processes

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    Consider a symmetrical conflict relationship between the points of a point process. The Mat\'ern type constructions provide a generic way of selecting a subset of this point process which is conflict-free. The simplest one consists in keeping only conflict-free points. There is however a wide class of Mat\'ern type processes based on more elaborate selection rules and providing larger sets of selected points. The general idea being that if a point is discarded because of a given conflict, there is no need to discard other points with which it is also in conflict. The ultimate selection rule within this class is the so called Random Sequential Adsorption, where the cardinality of the sequence of conflicts allowing one to decide whether a given point is selected is not bounded. The present paper provides a sufficient condition on the span of the conflict relationship under which all the above point processes are well defined when the initial point process is Poisson. It then establishes, still in the Poisson case, a set of differential equations satisfied by the probability generating functionals of these Mat\'ern type point processes. Integral equations are also given for the Palm distributions

    Interference Queueing Networks on Grids

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    Consider a countably infinite collection of interacting queues, with a queue located at each point of the dd-dimensional integer grid, having independent Poisson arrivals, but dependent service rates. The service discipline is of the processor sharing type,with the service rate in each queue slowed down, when the neighboring queues have a larger workload. The interactions are translation invariant in space and is neither of the Jackson Networks type, nor of the mean-field type. Coupling and percolation techniques are first used to show that this dynamics has well defined trajectories. Coupling from the past techniques are then proposed to build its minimal stationary regime. The rate conservation principle of Palm calculus is then used to identify the stability condition of this system, where the notion of stability is appropriately defined for an infinite dimensional process. We show that the identified condition is also necessary in certain special cases and conjecture it to be true in all cases. Remarkably, the rate conservation principle also provides a closed form expression for the mean queue size. When the stability condition holds, this minimal solution is the unique translation invariant stationary regime. In addition, there exists a range of small initial conditions for which the dynamics is attracted to the minimal regime. Nevertheless, there exists another range of larger though finite initial conditions for which the dynamics diverges, even though stability criterion holds.Comment: Minor Spell Change